A.J. Mleczko Appears On Special Edition Of Tucson Roadrunners Insider Podcast
A special midweek edition of the Tucson Roadrunners Insider Podcast was released on Wednesday, March 29, as TucsonRoadrunners.com’s Jimmy Peebles and Roadrunners PA Announcer Kim Cota-Robles were joined by A.J. Mleczko. Mleczko is an Olympic Gold and Silver Medalist with the United States Women’s Ice Hockey team and is currently an analyst for the NHL on ESPN. Mleczko appeared on the Insider Podcast ahead of her upcoming visit to Tucson for the Women’s Equity In Sports: The Fight, The Scars, and the Thrill of Victory Panel hosted by the University of Arizona’s Center for the Philosopy of Freedom. The full episode can be found on the iHeartRadio App or by listening below.

Mleczko began by recounting some of the many highlights of her hockey career, which began at an outdoor rink down the street from her house as a child. She then went on to play four seasons at Harvard University, winning the National Championship in 1999 while being named the top female college ice hockey player in the United States. Mleczko won a Gold Medal with Team USA the year before at the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, as well as a Silver Medal at the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Women’s Equity In Sports Panel hosted by the UA Center for the Philosophy of Freedom is on Wednesday, April 5 at the Fox Theater in Downtown Tucson from 5:00 p.m. MST to 6:30 p.m. MST, with registration for the FREE event available at FreedomCenter.Arizona.edu. Along with A.J. Mleczko, the All-Star Panel also features University of Arizona Women’s Basketball Coach Adia Barnes, professional cyclist Kathryn Bertine, fellow ESPN personality Sarah Spain, and groundbreaking marathon runner Kathrine Swtizer, moderated by KOLD’s Damien Alameda. Mleczko described her excitement for the upcoming event:
“I’m honored to be invited and to speak with [the panel], and I’m really looking forward to my visit to Tucson. I hope that I can offer some value and stories that people will enjoy, and I also want to listen to what these other women have been through and the life lessons that they’ve learned.”
A.J. Mleczko